Welcome to Carson Bring's Personal Website

Hello and welcome! This website serves as a place for me to host my blog, information about myself, and future projects that I will host using the same backend I use to host my blog.

The code for my backend and front-end are hosted in their own respective repos on my github.

About Me

  • Senior in NDSU's Computer Science program

  • Graduating in Fall 2024

  • Former Treasurer of the NDSU Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery(2022-2024)

  • NDSU Engineering Ambassador

  • Worked the last two summers at Be The Match on their Salesforce team

My Interests

  • Painting

  • Lifting

  • Messing around with linux and my home server

  • Playing the occasional video game

  • Investing in the Stock Market

  • Anime

I am usually in the ACM room so come talk to me!

Some of my drawings


Some of my paintings

Clown Fish
Betta Fish